Friday, July 22, 2011

Frugal Friday: Request a Sample

Last February, one of the "deal" websites I track posted a letter from a reader who mentioned that when she and her husband ran out of shampoo and conditioner a year earlier, she decided that they would use ONLY samples and freebies until they ran out. What do you know? A year later, they were still going strong!

Now, I know that will not be the case for everyone, but requesting samples from manufacturers is a great way to save a little bit of money! Additional bonuses are:
  • You get to try some products you many never have heard of or would purchase without experiencing first.
  • Samples often come with coupons.
  • These trial products are often the perfect size for carry-on air-travel.
  • Sometimes, the samples companies send out are full-size!

Some of the more recent FULL SIZE "samples" I have received.

The types of samples available for free in this country range everywhere from personal care products to cleaners to diapers to health devices, office supplies, food, software and pretty much everything under the capitalist sun!

Because there are so many samples available, some women fall into the "freebie search" trap. They spend hours looking for free samples and request every sample they come across just because it is free. Only request samples for which you will use and only spend a small amount of time requesting them. Otherwise, you will lose perspective on your money plan, which encompasses so many other facets.

Have you ever requested samples? What have been some of your favorites?

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